Mark and Grant's Slope Soaring page
This must be the most amazing experience ! Try ordering a piece of foam from New Zealand that costs R900 - add a remote controller that costs another R700 - add to that many hours of shaping, building and covering - and voila - you've got yourself a slope soarer...
Grant and I bought a Canterbury Sailplanes PC9 from . The plane is made of EPP foam which, as they say, is virtually indestructible. These pics are from our very first flight at Signal Hill in Cape Town, South Africa. Thanks to Lee, who was very keen to give us all the tips and pointers we needed to stay in the air. Also big thanks to Liezl for the video footage where these pics are taken from...look out for a Flared Footage production on slope soaring in the near future!!!
The pride and joy away she goes...
Focus !!!! Catching some great lift
Dodging Lee's wing (watch it mate!) "...that was close"
Nervous times!! guess what happened after this...